Monday, 29 July 2013

Did you know?

You are able to instantly 3D print any object at by clicking on the "3D Print" icon under the picture of the object. It takes only a few seconds!
for example:
"3D Print" -> 
Here you can customize and select the material and the size.

Thank you for visiting us @2013Siggraph!

On the last day, Elementary and High School teachers visited our booth yesterday. We can say they were more than interested in Leopoly’s School Race programme  They would like to spread the 3DVR technology at their institution, by winning a Leonar3Do 3D corner. Thank you for visiting us @2013Siggraph! See you soon @Valley of Arts, Kapolcs, Hungary! 

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Day 2 at Siggrpah

Steven K. Feiner, Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University loved Leopoly, talking about possible field of use of this cutting-edge 3DVR technology in education. In addition, a lot of Japanese people visited our booth, waiting to try that at home and participate in our School Race programme. What is more, we can say that the visitor artists loved the haptic feedback and head tracking function of the hardware kit :) The instant 3D printing function was also popular: a young artist girl could not wait going home and make her custom coffe cup!

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Help us find the best designs and win prizes

What to VOTE for?
Be our referee and decide which pieces of art do you like the most! Visit and simply decide between the two shown, based on your own subjective preference. The rule is, there are no rules. Your decision will help us rank the ever growing database filled with models for you to shape them on. Your help will ease other user’s quest to find the most exciting creative ideas. If you help us, we will be very grateful, just carry on reading.

I get it, but what can I win?

As you are reading this, other users are also voting for their favorite models. Vote for the models you like the most by August 30th, 2013 and WIN!
The more you vote the more chances you have to win the Leopoly Grand Prize worth 1000 USD (full Leonar3Do hardware kit, 3D monitor and printing voucher) to experience true 3D co-creation, like never before.
All other voters have a chance to win a 3D printing voucher good for one 3D printed model.
Be our best voter and get started!

Friday, 19 July 2013

Leopoly at SIGRRAPH Exhibition

Our team is glad to represent our brand new innovative product at SIGRRAPH Exhibition, Anaheim (CA),23-25th of July, 2013 (booth no. 229). We would love to share with you our excitement due to the launch of Leopoly.

At SIGGRAPH 2013, you'll find all the data, techniques, people, and inspiration you need for another successful year of research, development, creativity, and production.

Experience astounding images, and learn how they were created. Interact with tomorrow's digital systems, and understand them. Meet the leading international innovators in computer graphics and interactive techniques, and share their knowledge.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Future Talk

"Are you having a lazy sunday? Perfect time to check out this Future Talk video with Martin Wasserman.What is the future of 3D Printing? Are there any killer apps in the horizon? Clay Lambert of TechShop and Blaine Dehmlow from Type A Machines discuss these questions and more." BY 3D PRINTING INDUSTRY

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Zolee és a Leopolee

Egy rövidke betekintés a Hegyalja fesztiválra, ahol sok híresség mellett, a sárga oroszlánunk is fellépett. A helyszínen regisztrálók között kisorsoltunk egy komplett Leonar3Do HW kitet LeopolyNEXT szoftverrel. A szerencsés nyertes, megkoronázva a fesztiválélményt, szombat este 6 órakor át is vette az értékes ajándékot a Karriergyár sátorban. Legközelebb találkozzunk Kapolcson a Művészetek Völgyén! :)


Monday, 1 July 2013

Van Gogh Álmai

Tudtátok, hogy még mindig tart a Van Gogh Kiállítás a VAM Design Centerben?

A “Van Gogh Álmai” című tárlat a világhírű művész 200 leghíresebb festményének speciális bemutatója. Fedezd fel először Magyarországon Van Goghot, a legkorszerűbb technikával felújítva 3D-s formátumban. Nézzetek el, gyúrjatok a Leopolyval a helyszínen!

Nyitva minden nap reggel 10:00 órától este 19:00 óráig. Pénztár zárás 18:00 órakor. 
Discover Van Gogh at its purest, temporarily in Budapest. His 200 most beautiful works digitally restored. 

Part of the exhibition are seven 3D animations. By bringing well-known paintings from 2D to 3D and into motion, visitors rediscover the works. Suggested movements come to life, new layers and details become visible. Visit us and try out Leopoly!

Van Gogh, My Dream Exhibition opens daily from 10 a.m. till 6 p.m. in the VAM Design Center, Budapest.